Companies Projected Renewables Shortfall
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BNEF forecasts that the 285 RE100 members will collectively need to purchase an additional 269TWh of clean electricity in 2030 to meet their RE100 goals. Should this shortfall be met exclusively with offsite PPAs, it would catalyze an estimated 93GW of new, incremental solar and wind build.
Wind (contracted)
Solar (contracted)
On-site generation
Wind (contracted)
Renewable Shortfall
Source: BloombergNEF, Bloomberg Terminal, The Climate Group, company sustainability reports.
Note: Charts are for RE100 members that have disclosed electricity demand. Certificate purchases includes non-U.S. grew tariff programs, and are assumed to step down 10% each year. Onsite generation and contracted wind and solar purchases are assumed to remain flat through 2030. Regional breakdown of shortfall estimated based on each company’s share of revenue by region.